Wednesday, February 18, 2009

52 Weeks - 52 Books #11

One of my top five favorite movies of all time...and I've finally read the book...

Maybe because I loved the movie so much, it made the book a bit much to take...

See, Luke, in the film, brilliantly portrayed by Paul Newman, is much more whimsical...less dark...even his death seems to be in question (Sorry if that spoiled it for the one person who reads this blog, and if you haven't seen the film, get off the Interweb and watch it please...)

Luke, in the novel, has a much more palpable anger... the scenes that are so beloved from the film, such as the eggs, are present, but it just feels meaner...

And let's be fair, you can only create so much whimsy in a work of fiction about a chain gang...

1 comment:

Tace said...

I read your blog, I haven't seen Cool Hand Luke and now I shall suffer agonies for having the ending spoiled, ohhhh darn. hahaha